Sometimes life just gets away from you. Suddenly I look up and it's been almost two months since my last post--which means the same time has past since i posted on my blog.
Where have I been?
Mostly work. Home hospice care for a family pet. Pet sitting a lot. Trying to craft but inspiration of any kind escapes me lately. I need to become more disciplined, more zen. Watch less TV (oh now I love mindless reruns of family guy, Simpsons, American dad, Cleveland show. It's not good for productivity. After weeks of being double and triple booked with pet sitting and kennel duty at my clinic--all I really want to do is sit on the couch, smoke a lil maryjane, and relax and unwind from the mentally, physically, and emotionally draining day-week-month that I have had. Oh yeah and after a month of putting all my energy, love, and modern medicine the pancreas and kidneys just couldn't do their job anymore and we had to say goodbye to beloved Milo, David's family pet.
I put all I have into my work--body, mind, soul/spirit/energy. Sometimes it's not enough. Sometimes the disease isn't progressed and they pull through. Sometimes shit happens when it isnt supposed to. Sometimes we need a break.
I have to write more. I've been better with my depression and anger but learning to let go and just be zen is something that must happen for my health. Writing allows an outlet for me, when I can actually express myself into words that is.
So what has happened in the last two months?
Well went to Denver for 5 days in April and it was amazing. I would love to move there one day but another visit is definitely in our future. We went to several different local places for food, beer, entertainment. Sampled some of Denver's finest herbal medicine :) Exquisite! We were unable to obtain transportation to visit some further outlying areas without spending all day traveling to one place so we have big plans for next time.
I told briefly of Milo--which is enough.
Work has been extremely overwhelming lately--nothing I can't handle but not for extended lengths of time. We may be looking to add another experienced vet tech--we need a good tech to add to our work family.
Oh yeah and PETA is taking issue with some anonymous online's getting pretty heated between them and anonymous (the hacker group). I'm on board just because I feel I have been misinformed by PETA on exactly what they do--perhaps it's for the donations. I know they have done good work for some animals but the concern is they are misleading donors. Now the shelter is one of last resort. I just want non profit groups to be honest and transparent with their donors.
That's what going on over here...I've been working on trying to be more inspired by going outside or doing things I enjoy. I've been saying for months (a year?) that I need to improve certain things in my life--and I have slightly but I have not committed fully to making myself happy. As my friend Jen of says, you are in control of your own happiness. :)
Peace. Love. Paw prints. Think Zen. <3
I WILL be back Dammit.
Get at me on twitter: @thecraftafarian