I searched and searched for all of David's gifts as they weren't your average presents. He had mentioned weeks ago that he had been wanting to play final fantasy 10 for a long time--problem was we didn't have a playstation. I knew he wanted a PS2 to play the game so I started inquiring at shops. I wanted to use GameStop so he would get member points--bonus gift! After calling ALL the local GameStops I found one that had both the game and console. Thankfully the associate told me I needed a memory card--another gift! With my purchases in tow, I began the hunt for the remaining gift. I wanted to get him a gold pocket watch since he isn't supposed to wear wristwatches at work. I called all the local jewelers, antique shops, and random independent shops. I only found one at this little shop called Maggie's Stuff but it wasn't a working timepiece (at the time, she's going to have it reconditioned). I finally settled on ordering a new gold plated pocket watch from Things Remembered. I ordered it online and had it engraved. It came a little late but so did one of his gifts to me so we had a mini extra xmas.

I found the dogs cheap toys at Big Lots and these two big fluffy rugs they can lay on (in addition to MY bed, furniture, and existing dog basket). The kitties received toys on sale from pet supermarket. They were quite pleased with their gifts--River is currently playing with one now.
I received many amazing gifts--I feel special and am very thankful to all my friends and family. David got me the spirit hood I have been wanting for a long time! He also got me a stylus to use with my iPad, a book on animal behavior, a gift card for more books, and an amazing spa package at a salon.

My mom got me some awesome stuff (thanks mom!!) and my favorite is a sterling silver ring with real rubies, it's so pretty. David's mom got me an awesome faux leather purse that fits all my stuff.
Yes! I made out like a bandit this year :)
How was your christmas??
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